Students and staff at Shadow Hills were recently treated to art installations across campus. The installations focused on literature, and introduced students to the concept of public art.
“Installation is my passion, it’s what I enjoy doing most,” explained Ms. Godfrey, one of Shadow’s art teachers. She wanted to show her students the process that artists go through to create art for public spaces. The fact that the pieces may have prompted students to read more, was a bonus, Ms. Godfrey said. Each installation had a different meaning, and many were from literature.
Literary-inspired art installations placed around campus were Dracula and Frankenstein. Coraline, It, and Werewolf-inspired pieces were also installed under stairs and in shared outdoor spaces.
Allyne Mancillas, Karina Camacho, and Areli Hernandez worked together to bring Wendy the Wendigo to life. Information posted at the installation provided an explanation for why the students chose to create the piece: “Wendy lives in the forest, and Wendy loves kids…” The representation of the mythical creature was placed on the south-facing exterior wall of the H-building.