Shadow Hills and many other High schools in Desert Sands Unified School district find themselves training for the spring competition of Battle of the Books.
Earlier this September Battle of the Books’ advisors across the district decided the five books for this year’s season. Those books being The Belles, Lattes and Legends, The Good Lie, Solo, and The Marrow Thieves. As readers flip through the books they will create a list of questions that will be used for the March competition. Winners will earn the Battle of Books trophy and have their school host next year’s competition.
Despite Battle of the Books not being an actual “battle,” members can create invaluable experiences because in the words of Walt Disney, “There is more treasure in books than in all pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.”
Students interested in more information about Battle of the Books can email Shadow’s Battle of the Books advisor at [email protected], or Battle of the Books President, [email protected].