Guest Photographer
Shadow Hills TLM Students attend the UCLA v. Arizona State game on Nov. 11.
November was a particularly exciting month for Shadow Hills Technology and Landscape Management Pathway students. Most notable was a trip to UCLA’s Rose Bowl Stadium. On November 11 21 students and three staff members attended the UCLA v. Arizona State game. The annual trip marked the 11th year TLM classes were able to visit the stadium.
The field is covered with grass grown here in the Coachella Valley. TLM students had the opportunity to see how the locally-grown grass performs under the demands of high-impact sports.
They were also there to see how the players performed. The game kicked off at 6 p.m. The play was competitive and lively. With a lot of cheering from chaperone Mrs. Campbell, Arizona State pulled off an upset against UCLA, winning 17-7
For Alejandro Velasco (‘25), the trip was especially memorable. “For me, the experience was great for my first football game,” he said, adding “…the opportunity Mr. G gave us to go to a football game with friends was great.”
At 10 p.m. students and staff left the arena and made their way home. With a unanimous vote, they made a quick stop at In-N-Out and continued their journey back to the Coachella Valley. Leaving campus at 1 p.m. and returning at 1 a.m. marked the end of a 12-hour-long unforgettable field trip.
“We appreciate that they allow high school students to attend the Rose Bowl,” explained TLM teacher, Mr. Gonzalez. It’s “a great opportunity to look at what college life is like, and exposes students to a new world and perspective on the future,” he added.