Lucy Perez
Would you believe me if I told you that you’re wearing something that was on trend almost 60 years ago?
If you own a pair of Birkenstocks, then it’s true!
The German company has been around since 1774. What started as a focus on shoe soles, ultimately segued in 1964 to comfortable shoes. That was the year the sandals we know and love, were born.
The sandals showed up in California in the 1970s and their popularity grew. From there, they became a wardrobe staple for the masses, eventually becoming a piece of pop culture. They represent everything from a bohemian lifestyle to anti-establishment.
So, what does this look like on Shadow’s campus? After losing popularity in the early 2000s, the sandals have made a comeback and many Knights can be seen walking around campus in the comfortable footwear. Whether combined with denim jeans or jorts, plain t-shirts or tank tops, they’re almost always paired with white socks. Students and staff alike wear them to elevate a comfortable, casual outfit.