Ravanne Tinsay
The Shadow Hills quad.
For students and staff, cooler weather and falling leaves tend to signal a popular week each year – Thanksgiving break. It’s the first long break of the school year, and everyone seems to be ecstatic.
Leading up to Thanksgiving, many families will gather ingredients and decorations, and make extra space in their refrigerators.
However, Thanksgiving celebrations and traditions are diverse at Shadow Hills, and some Knights and their families focus on other fall activities all together. Knight Times staff recently spent time asking students and staff what they plan on doing during their week off.
When he considers the upcoming holiday, Evan Rodriguez (‘28) is thinking about eating.
“I’m mostly looking forward to the food,” he said. “My favorite dish on Thanksgiving is the turkey.”
Rodriguez is planning on spending the holiday in Big Bear, and says he and his family do something different each year.
Sophomore Carolina Hyatt’s annual family traditions are lively and entertaining. Her celebration includes family members roasting one another in a rap battle, eating, and playing board games.
“I plan to hang out with my family…and look at Black Friday sales,” explained Hyatt.
Other students, like Gizelle Renteria (‘28), don’t celebrate the holiday, but still enjoy the break. Renteria plans on hanging out with friends and family, baking, and sleeping.
This Thanksgiving will be quite different for Mrs. Windy, Shadow Hills librarian. This year, she’s going to brunch with her husband and kids.
Usually, she cooks a big feast, complete with turkey, ham, corn, stuffing, and other dishes. She thought that this year, she’d change it up a bit.
“It is nice when we all get together,” Mrs. Windy explained. “I really, really do enjoy it.”
While Mrs. Windy stays at home to decorate, other staff members are traveling. Coach Romo is excited to go to Canada for the break with his wife and two kids.
Normally, he would stay in town and gather with family for the holidays, but this year he and his wife wanted to travel.
“My wife makes all the plans, I just agree with her and go along,” he said, laughing.
The break begins November 25, and Knights return to campus on December 2.